Project management in Sheffield

Sheffield City Council called on Jason to shape and manage an ambitious programme of development and promotion for their Outdoor City offer.
As well an application to the Discover England Fund to secure a substantial grant, he took on the role of project manager, working with the tourism team, local businesses and national and international partners to shape a highly successful programme of business support, product development and marketing. The audience was a previously untapped group, millennials, and the product was aimed at attracting visitors from Germany and the Netherlands to discover Sheffields unique proposition of a buzzing city combined with outstanding opportunities for action and adventure. He negotiated innovative partnerships with major players in the marketing including TripAdvisor, Airbnb and Komoot.
We needed a knowledgeable industry professional to help our existing team work at pace through the myriad of relationships and suppliers. We found exactly the person we needed for the job. Jason has an in-depth knowledge of tourism strategy at national and international level. He was astute at identifying technology platforms and supply chains and in negotiating contracts and prices. As an advisor, he was extremely useful. As a colleague, extremely well respected. If we could bring him back to work with us again we would, without a shadow of a doubt.
Wendy Ulyett, Marketing Sheffield