A new tourism strategy for Edinburgh

The Edinburgh Tourism Action Group asked us to undertake a comprehensive stakeholder consultation to inform Edinburgh’s new 10-year tourism strategy.
We engaged with over 200 stakeholders in Edinburgh and beyond. Consultees came from hospitality, culture, festivals and events, retail, accommodation and transport and a large number of stakeholder organisations including the Chamber of Commerce, the City Council, Essential Edinburgh, Scottish Enterprise, Visit Scotland, Edinburgh World Heritage, the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Capital Group, Youth Travel Edinburgh and the Scottish Government. Input was gathered through group consultation sessions, large and small, 1-2-1 interviews and survey work and was presented in person to local politicians, the ETAG board and the city’s strategy implementation group.
“Melanie designed a comprehensive and robust methodology, demonstrating a really sound understanding of the importance of and approach required for effective consultation, within the context of developing a wider industry strategy. Both Melanie and Jason’s facilitation skills were excellent and ensured there was a quality, informed, and meaningful input from those engaged in the process. In addition their shared knowledge of the tourism sector was invaluable in helping direct the conversations throughout the process.
Melanie’s approach to capturing, analysing and presenting the findings of the exercise added huge value to the process with the outputs of her work ultimately informing the development of the strategy.”
Gillian Richardson, Edinburgh Tourism Action Group