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About us

Jason is a destination expert. He enjoys getting under the skin of a place and knows how to make them work. He has particular expertise in rural and coastal development and is passionate about making tourism sustainable. His comprehensive knowledge of the latest visitor research means he is good at putting the customer centre stage and knowing where examples of best practice can be found. His calm and objective approach to problem solving inspires confidence among those he works with while his thoroughness and attention to detail means that nothing gets missed.

Melanie likes to think big and plan for the long term. She enjoys helping groups of people to increase their knowledge and develop new perspectives which is why she is a respected facilitator and presenter. Heritage and culture are particular interests and she has an instinct for what makes a place compelling to visitors. Her ability to take an honest 360 view and empathise with a range of stakeholders makes her a trusted advisor. She has a reputation for producing plans that are ambitious as well as practical and a knack for getting people to work together. 

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